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Sharecare YOU

Sharecare YOU

Sharecare YOU is an application on PC, Mac, IOS, and VR devices.


Sharecare YOU is an immersive, photorealistic simulation of the human body, enabling viewers to explore its astonishing details in 360°. Travel inside the body, view systems and organs in their natural state, progress through disease states, and test your knowledge with our interactive quizzes!


About Development

I worked at Sharecare for over 2 years, with most of my time working as the Quality Assurance Lead. My main tasks involved testing the Sharecare YOU application on PC, Mac, IOS, and VR. I manually tested each version of the app on their platforms and within the Unity editor. I thoroughly tested every aspect of the project, doing my best to look for issues big and small within the app, ranging from issues with functionality to issues with the UI/UX of the app. The project had a large code base that took me some time to adjust to, but once I did I was able to look into the code in order to investigate into issues further. We updated the app every 6 - 8 weeks, and with each update my QA skills improved.


It was important to work alongside my coworkers as well, I participated in weekly meetings where we discussed issues with the app and what we should do to improve it, I also frequently asked my coworkers for help and suggestions when I was having trouble investigating an issue.

Jira Ticket Examples

These are two of the tickets that I am proud of from my time working on Sharecare YOU.



©2022 by Daniel Marino Coyne.

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